.. _admin_settings: ============================== Adding the fields to the Admin ============================== By default, Django Categories adds the fields you configure to the model's Admin class. If your ModelAdmin class does not use the ``fieldsets`` attribute, the configured category fields are simply appended to the bottom the fields. If your ModelAdmin uses the ``fieldsets`` attribute, a new fieldset named ``Categories``, containing all the configured fields is appended to the fieldsets. You can override or alter this behavior with the :ref:`ADMIN_FIELDSETS` setting. ADMIN_FIELDSETS allows you to: * Prevent Django Categories from adding the fields or fieldsets to a model's ModelAdmin class. * Change the name of the fieldset (from the default: "Categories") * Change the placement of the fieldset (from the default: bottom) Preventing fields in the admin class ==================================== If you don't want Django Categories to add any fields to the admin class, simply use the following format:: CATEGORIES_SETTINGS = { 'ADMIN_FIELDSETS': [ 'app.model': None, ] } Changing the name of the field set ================================== To rename the field set, use the following format:: CATEGORIES_SETTINGS = { 'ADMIN_FIELDSETS': [ 'app.model': 'Taxonomy', ] } Putting the field set exactly where you want it =============================================== For complete control over the field set, use the following format:: CATEGORIES_SETTINGS = { 'ADMIN_FIELDSETS': [ 'app.model': { 'name': 'Categories', 'index': 0 }, ] }